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Welcome to SARBI!

Our site was last updated on November 15, 2001. We have been very busy and things are going very well for the SABRI staff and clients. Volunteers, WE NEED YOU!!! Please visit our getting involved page for more information. We are planning the annual SARBI Christmas Party. Everyone is invited please contact Kristen at the office for more information. We will be posting more info as it becomes available. We also have ordered new SARBI T-Shirts, they are blue and have the SARBI logog on them. You can get a shrt one of two ways:

1. They are on sale for the low price of $15.00


2. Volunteer with SARBI and after 100 hours you get a free shirt!!!

Please don't forget to sign our gueatbook and let us know what you think of our site.

This website is for the Saskatchewan Association For The Rehabilitation Of The Brain Injured (SARBI). We are a non-profit organization devoted to providing recreation and rehabilitation services for people with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI).

This site will present our organization's cause or ideas to the world. As communicating isn't always easy, we'll try to include photos and images that convey our message (remember, a well-chosen picture is a great way to get a point across). We'll also include specific information about our organization and its members, so no one forgets the people behind the pictures.

On this Home page, we'll introduce our cause or message. We'll also try to include a picture or two that represents the kind of work we do.



As a non-profit association, SARBI is committed to offering individually designed, physically based, rehabilitation programs within a positive caring environment to clients with severe acquired brain injury.

Please sign our guestbook and let us know what you think of our site.

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